Sunday, September 04, 2016

Internet Marketing blogs by fellow Internet Marketers in Bangladesh

  1. Marketever – A very recent and new blog in the industry. This blog is run by Al-Amin Kabir. Anyone who is around the internet marketing field in BD for some while will know Al-Amin Kabir. He has been the former successful CEO of DevsTeam and now working on his own company (I have no idea because he works on so many things) but mostly his frontend company is Marketever. Now when you visit this site you will know what a blog is. It’s already on the way to become the A list blog (which means a top blog in the world). He posts frequent updates and his updates are massive. You want to read his blog because there is a mission behind this site, this guy wants you to succeed on your niche site/amazon affiliate sites. Apart from the blog, Al also holds regular local events, workshops and an active facebook group.
  2. Blog Ron – from Delwar Jahan, blogs about technology, also blogs on Bangla here. He shares many frequent updates in his blog. He also records videos on youtube that revolves around the technology and make money online niche. I personally know this guy and he is a very intelligent human being. The way he sees and explores things are out of the ordinary. One thing I don’t like about his blogs is that most of his updates in both his Bangla & English blogs are not related to a specific topic. His updates are more like broadcasts rather than a blog post. That’s why I may read his blog to get updated but not to stay in touch with the author.
  3. SEO PPC SMM – Blog of Asif Anwar Pathik (you can clearly tell what this blog is about)
  4. NShamim – A blog from Nasir Udding Shamim, blogs and posts videos about SEO.
  5. Kashem Org – Blog from Abul Kashem who writes about internet marketing topics in Bangla
  6. Asif’s Grow With Digital Blog – Mostly about personal adventures in Bangla, he also writes articles about the internet marketing. His blog could be much more interactive with lots of other pages like “About”, “Contact” and if he would focus on just marketing related stuff, then this would be a killer blog to read.
  7. Nahid Hasan’s Blog – Blogs about internet marketing and business in Bangla
  8. Devsteam’s Blog – This blog covers all the topics related to internet marketing
  9. Ramkrishna Bhattacharjee, RamDa’s blog – Blogs topics related to SEO & personal updates
  10. Genesis Blogs – A community Bangla blog that covers tech and internet marketing topics
  11. Sojib Rahman Dot Com – Who blogs about blogging & SEO in Bangla. Last time I checked he posted his blog back in Aug 2014. Sojib is an SEO professional in Bangladesh IM arena; he is best known for his venture A lack of updates is a turn off but all his 6 blog posts were more about self centered and opinion based posts. His site has 6 categories, which is funny because he has just 6 posts (maybe one post per cat) but that is entirely useless.
  12. Road To Blogging – A very popular blog about blogging and internet marketer run by a Bangladeshi blogger Istiak Rayhan.
..more blogs coming soon!
Discontinued/offline sites:
  • Jinnat-ul Hasan’s Blog – Bloged about SEO in Bangla (Discontinued)
  • Sanjida Hasnin Dot Com – Blogs about personal updates & internet marketing (Discontinued)

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